Public Discussion
Welcome to the public discussion area. You can read and respond to discussions other people have posted, or create your own discussion in the category of your choice.
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AnnouncementsThis section is for announcements by me. Not you. Me. ;) |
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ProblemsHaving some issues? Something not quite working right? Post your problems here and we'll try and get to them as soon as possible. |
by Jed Bungaree |
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QuestionsHave a question on how something should work? Ask your question here and we'll help you out. |
by fletcher |
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Extras (CSS, scripts, tips and tricks, etc)This section is to share user submissions --- whatever tools help make MultiMarkdown easier to use are welcome! |
by fletcher |
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SuggestionsDo you have a suggestion? Maybe a feature you'd like to see implemented, or a suggestion on how an existing feature should work. Let us know what you think, we're always glad to hear opinions! |
by Dave Hein |
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AccessibilityIdeas for helping to improve accessibility in documents generated by MultiMarkdown. |
by Lou Lesko |