Floating TOC left panel
Is it possible to generate a floating, auto-tracking, TOC (as a left panel)?
Example: https://www.keycloak.org/docs/latest/server_admin/index.html
I currently use
```quarto render test.md --html```
to do this, but certain mmd specific features, like table cell merge, are lost this way.
Thank you!
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Support Staff 1 Posted by fletcher on 26 Sep, 2022 02:40 AM
This is a HTML/CSS (and maybe JS) question, not a MultiMarkdown one. Anything you can do in HTML/CSS/JS, you should be able do starting from a Markdown source document, since you can include HTML inside Markdown.
As far as how to create a specific desired layout (such as the floating TOC panel you like), there are better resources on Google than me.
fletcher closed this discussion on 26 Sep, 2022 02:40 AM.